Virtual Reality (VR) is a fully impressive computer simulated technology generated with the help of realistic images, sound and other sensations.

The main sensors VR headsets are :-

* Magneto meter - magnetic field
* Accelerator meter - X,Y,Z Axis of phone
* Gyroscope sensor - Accurate by 360

At its most basic level, virtual reality is an experience generated by a computer meant to stand in for the physical reality around us.

Computer scientist Jaron Lanier is often credited with coining the term Virtual Reality in the 1980s, but the discipline of VR is a collection of ideas that date back nearly a century.

At the heart of virtual reality are two concepts :
  immersion and interaction.

Immersion :- Its refer to your sense of presence within a virtual world. If that information is consistent, reliable and convincing, our brains accept it as reality. And the more senses you can engage, the better.

With virtual reality, we're usually talking about sight and sound. But some VR setups also engage our sense of touch in what's called haptic feedback.

As for interactivity, that's all about to what extent you can affect the virtual world around you.

Are you a passive audience, or can you interact with the objects, creatures, people and environment ?

Generally speaking, the more interactive the experience, the more convincing it is.

Both immersion and interaction create the illusion that you're in a different world.

That illusion can be broken if the experience suffers from technical issue, lag (which we call latency in VR), or limitation in what you are allowed to do once you;re in the VR world