Among the emerging technologies, augmented reality (AR) is driving the E-commerce industry to a wide horizon. AR in ecommerce has rapidly taken over the customers by enhancing their experience. Consumers' interest and overall participation level have increased after the introduction of AR in ecommerce.

AR is totally a new way to shop by overcoming all the challenges and exploring online space. In a small span of time, eCommerce transformed into an advanced retailing platform. And with time, it is continuously expanding in new directions with the help of AR technology.

Use cases of Augmented Reality in eCommerce

AR is adding value to customer experience to stay engaged on retailer platforms. It is one of the key players in the industry in driving in-store traffic. The future of augmented eCommerce will evolve more with the consumers’ expectations.

    Virtual try-on a solution

Try on a solution is one of the major players among emerging solutions as it helps to drive cross-channel traffic and attract shoppers. From the user perspective, it provides a richer experience for online shoppers. VR try-on solutions are acting as a revolutionary solution for retailers and a marketing connection, for example, watches and jewellery, shoes, furniture, clothes and many more.

    Body Measurement App

The Body Measurement App has a goal to offer the user the most accurate virtual fitting of the body. This AR solution is to a better way to measure the fitting of the user which is revolutionary in eCommerce. Body measurement App offers the online user to try a product that accurately fits their body before taking the final decision.

    AR Manual

AR user manual demonstrates the process of reading a manual of an appliance in an interactive way with a step by step guide. Users without any hassles using smart devices can easily go through the details of the product. It also reduces the time and the fear of unknown risks while going through the manual of any appliances. With an immersive 3D experience integrated with AR Technology, AR manual increases the percentage of understandability.

    Bottom Line

AR development company offers benefits focusing on better customer satisfaction and experience with an increase in the rate of sales. Within a short period of time, augmented reality (AR) as an evolving technology is widely accepted in the industry.

From a business prospect, it will lead to better conversion rates and revenues. Thus, it can be said that the future of online shopping will pivot on AR.

As per a customer online experience survey, the following data has been tabulated. 

  • 72% of customers buy products they did not intend to before of Augmented Reality.
  • 71% of the customers shopped more products when using AR. 
  • 61% of shoppers look for retailers who offer them AR-based experiences. 
  • 55% of shoppers believe that Augmented Reality shopping is fun. 
  • 40% of shoppers are ready to pay more for the product when tested by AR.

So, why is Augmented Reality in Retail so famous?

Augmented Reality aids in creating memorable customer experiences, boast higher engagement rates, increase sales, and lower customer entry barriers. Brands opting for Augmented Reality Shopping are said to have a forward approach. 

In simpler terms, Augmented Reality is the next big tech trend for online shopping.

Benefits of Augmented Reality Shopping in the Customer Buying Experience

AR is one of the popular shopping buying trends, helping customers to gain an interactive experience of products in the real-world environment through computer-generated information. Augmented Reality shopping for groceries, furniture, and clothes is so much trending because of the following benefits.

It Helps in Enhancing Customer Experience

Through AR, customers can try the products before buying them. It’s like a personalized experience for customers, helping them to try on different variations of the products. Once customers are satisfied with the selection, then they can further go for delivery. It is convenient for shoppers, letting them make frequent and confident purchases. It serves as an added benefit for online shopping, and retailers offering such services are likely to enjoy benefits from customer satisfaction and brand reputation.

enhanced customer experience with AR

Reduces the Need for in-Store Visits

 The number of online shoppers is drastically increasing all around the world. With more and more customers going online for purchasing of goods and products, AR facilitates retail shops to cater to the needs of their customers online. AR serves as an online staff member for the retailers, to try out different products without any in-store assistance.

AR Aids in Online Marketing

AR makes purchasing products online fun and entertaining for shoppers. According to online marketing experts, AR helps in increasing brand engagement, which leads to increased sales and revenue generation. Through AR apps, people can scan through the online inventories and get recommendations for different products as well. This makes marketing easier for brands while providing an amiable shopping experience to the customers as well. Also, since AR is a very intelligent technology, it provides shoppers with in-depth information about different products, and the pros and cons of buying it as well.

Reducing Cart Abandonment Rate and Returns

Cart abandonment rates refer to shoppers not going through purchases after adding products to their carts. Since AR makes shopping, a fun expedition for shoppers, it reduces cart abandonment rates by a very high margin. Furthermore, as the customers are already visualizing the look of a product through AR’s virtual representation of products in 3D, users will indulge in purchases that are smart and reliable with their surroundings, while judging specifications like the right product sizes and colors. This also decreases the returns on online purchases.

Reducing cart abandonment rate and returns

 Shoppers can Judge Product Quality in Their Home

Through Augmented Reality shopping, users can view items in a 360-degree environment, unlike the traditional 2D visuals. AR powers life into products, bringing them to reality. With the help of AR stores, brick and mortar stores can keep running their business. Through Augmented Reality in Retail, physical stores can let their customers have an in-store kind experience. This gives rise to brand trust and reputation as well.